Now that you’ve chosen your one skill, let’s dive deep!


In order to expedite the learning process, you’ll need to immerse yourself in one skill. Through immersion you shield yourself from little distractions so that you have your energy for whats most important the one skill you’ve chosen.

This isn’t a permanent immersion, but the skillset you have at the end will be permanently in your arsenal.

Quality through quantity.

When learning a new skill, the most important thing you can do is do a lot of work. Put yourself on a deadline so that every week you will finish something. It is only by going through a volume of work that you will close that gap, and your work will be as good as your ambitions.




Finding the edges.

The creative exploration process can be daunting at times. In a weird way finding things that don’t work often help you get closer to a creative solution.

For example, when you see something you know doesn’t work, now you’ve at least established a boundary of which to operate within. Try the exercise below in exploring a range of ideas and finding the edges.

Exercise: Exploration Clock.

What do you do when you’re stuck? How do you push forward with an idea when you have limited to no inspiration.